99 MBA Kris

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series 99 - Non-Build Topic

In the middle of all this I had to teach a Nexus 7000 class in New Jersey at the end of April. Ann was in New York at the same time. When she was done with her business on the 28th, so she caught a train to New Jersey. After the class was over on April 29 we drove down to Wilmington, DE to attend my neice’s graduation. She was receiving her MBA that she obtained in 18 months on her own while working two jobs. Beat that!!!


Kris and her proud papa.

The following Saturday, I drove Ann to Philly to catch a flight home. Then I took Kris to lunch and then we went for a sightseeing flight over Delaware and New Jersey.

Kris at the controls.

She’s got a real good touch on the controls. Most people over-control but she seems to have a knack for it.

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