10.1.2 Elevator Trim

This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series 10 - Control Sytem

I’ve already created the elevator trim hardpoint and built the bracket. So now it’s time to mount the trim motor. Unfortunately, I miscalculated the bracket so I’ll have to build a new one. But the existing one will work for now.

The bracket when the trim actuator connects to the trim spring had to be drilled. Then it is attached to the trim actuator and spring.

Next, the other end of the spring get bolted to the clamp which goes on the elevator torque tube. Malcolm deviates from the factory method in how the spring is attached to the clamp. He likes to stagger the holes. I like his method so that’s what we did.

The question mark looking thing is the elevator trim spring. You can see at the bottom how it’s bolted to the clamp.

We held off on bolting the clamp to the torque tube until we could confirm some measurements. Once the clamp is bolted to the torque tube, it’s too late to turn back.


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