10.2.1 – Rudder Cable Installation

This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series 10 - Control Sytem

The rudder cable from the rudder is connected to the cable from the rudder pedals at the wing root. The typical method is to place a pulley where the rudder cable exits the firewall. But where it exits the wing, the cable simply makes a sharp turn towards the front. I don’t know why a pulley isn’t used wing root. Me and Malcolm talked about this and decided to try a pulley on the wing too.

The hardest part was getting the alignment right. To do it I took the cable from the pedals and clamped it (lightly) to the cable from the rudder. Then I placed both pulleys in position and adjusted them until the line of the cable was correct. At that point I marked the position and drilled the mounting holes.

Here is the wingroot with the cables connected.

I haven’t installed the return springs yet. The action of the rudder is very smooth with the two pulleys.

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