00 Airplane returns

This entry is part 24 of 28 in the series 00 - Prep/Logistics

The airplane arrives back from Tom’s shop today.

Backing down the long driveway.

2009-03-16 1338 IMG_84802009-03-16 1338 IMG_84812009-03-16 1340 IMG_8482

Unfortunately, there was some shipping related damage (I wasn’t there when it was loaded up). Either the wing shifted forward or the fuselage shifted back (that’s what I’m betting on) and the upper fuselage skin dug through the winglet.

2009-03-16 1400 IMG_84862009-03-16 1359 IMG_84842009-03-16 1400 IMG_8485

The good news is that it was relatively minor and since it’s a composite, the repair isn’t that difficult and there will be no loss of structural integrity.

Here’s an animated GIF from the shop cam that shows before and after.


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