- 14.2.3 Final primer on top
- 14.2.2 Last prep before final priming
- 14.2.2 Sanding
- 14.2.1 Sanding
- 14.2.1 Return of the Spotted Dog
- 14.2.1 Radius (Top)
- 14.2.2 Priming
- 14.2.1 Photo op
- 14.2.1 The ugly nose
- 14.2.1 Window transistion
- 14.2.3 Priming
- 14.2.1 Top side finish
- 14.2.3 More Painting
- 14.1.4 Aileron Balancing
- 14.1.4 Aileron Installation
- 14.2.3 Primer
- 14.2.3 Final Prime of the Cowling
- Back in the saddle again
- 14.0 – Punchlist
- Trip 2 completed
- 14.1.2 Tie Downs
- 14.2.1 Finishing Bottom of Airplane
- 14.2.3 Final Primer on Lower Fuselage
- 14.2.1 Strake Extension
- 14.2.1 Windows
- 14.2.1 Finishing Upper Airplane
- 14.1.10 Calibrating Fuel Tanks
- 14.99 Contact!
- 14.1.7 Vortilon Installation
- 14.99 Engine Run III
- 14.99 Placards
- 14.1.7 – Vortilon Installation
- 14.99 Weight and Balance
- 14.99 Airworthiness Inspection
- 14.99 – Painting
- 14.99 Painting
- 14.99 Painting Complete
Here’s the view on Sunday morning.
And 5 hours later (Malcolm is working on the second coat):