14.2.3 Final Primer on Lower Fuselage

This entry is part 24 of 38 in the series 14 - Final Assembly / FInishing

Now that the bottom is in full spotted dog effect, the radius between the fuselage and the strake is done. I don’t understand why we waited until after the first coat of primer, but that’s how Malcolm says he does it.

2010-09-08 1606 MC 122

And the lower winglet to wing intersection gets the radius is done.

2010-09-08 1607 MC 124

Here are the main gear doors and the main gear mini-doors.

2010-09-08 1609 MC 130

And here we have the bottom of the plane and parts after the final coat of gray primer.

2010-09-16 1656 MC 135C2010-09-16 1656 MC 135E

2010-09-16 1657 MC 135F 2010-09-16 1657 MC 135G 2010-09-16 1658 MC 135I

At this point I went over the bottom with a flashlight and pencil marking all the little tiny pinholes. Then we filled them filler. Once that set up we did a final sanding of the spots and repeated about four more times.  Malcolm’s philosophy is with every pass, you get 90% of the flaws. So by the time we were done, we had (hopefully) filled 95% of the flaws in the surface

 2010-09-16 1659 MC 135L 2010-09-17 1636 MC 135M 2010-09-17 1636 MC 135N 2010-09-17 1637 MC 135O 2010-09-17 1637 MC 135P 2010-09-17 1637 MC 135Q2010-09-17 1637 MC 135R

Then we got ready for white primer.

2010-10-15 1124 IMG_0727 2010-10-15 1123 IMG_0723 2010-10-15 1123 IMG_0724 2010-10-15 1123 IMG_0725 2010-10-15 1124 IMG_0726

Here’s a picture taken from “the loft”. It’s the only way I could get the whole plane in the picture.

2010-10-15 1125 IMG_0728

I’ve never been that good spraying so I deferred to Malcolm. I did the mixing making sure that Malcolm always had paint for the gun.

 2010-10-15 1211 IMG_0730 2010-10-15 1345 IMG_0732 2010-10-16 0935 IMG_0736

Once the paint had cured I decided that flying in this primer was going to be just fine.  The finish of this primer is better than the paint on the Cessna.

2010-10-16 0936 IMG_07382010-10-16 0937 IMG_0740

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