- 12.1 Engine arrival
- 12.1 Engine Installation Prep
- 12.1 Engine Installation Prep
- 12.1.2 Engine Mounts
- 12.1.2 Engine Installation
- 12.2.1 Aluminun Oil Lines
- 12.2.1 Aluminum Oil Lines
- 12.2.1 Cabin Heat
- 12.2.2 Fuel Lines
- 12.2.2 Fuel Lines
- 12.1.2 Intake tube modification
- 12.2.2 Fuel Lines
- 12.1.2 Intake tube modification
- 12.1.2 Intake tube modification (completed)
- 12.3.1 – Installing Throttle, Mixture, and Prop Controls
- 12.3.1 – Mixture Control Mounting Bracket
- 12.3.1 Prop Control Bracket
- 12.3.1 Throttle Control Bracket
- 12.2.3 Cylinder Intake Drain Lines
- 12.2.1 – Aluminum Oil Lines
- 12.3.4 Cooling Plenum
- 12.1.2 Oil Cooler mod
- 12.2.4 Pressure lines
- 12.3.4 Cooling Plenum
- 12.2.4 Pressure Lines
- 12.3.4 Cooling Plenum Intakes
- 12.2.3 Electric Fuel Pump Drain
- 12.2.3 Mechanical Fuel Pump Drain
- 12.2.3 Fuel Pump Drain Lines
- 12.2.3 Spider Drain Line
- 12.3.5 Propeller
- 12.4 Exhaust Installation
- 12.3.6 Nose Oil Cooler
- 12.3.6 Nose Oil Cooler Control
- 12.4 EGT Probe Installation
- 12.2.4 Oil Pressure Sensor (remediation)
- 12.4 Oil breather line
- 12.3.4 NACA duct extensions
- 12.4.2 Exhaust Fairing
- 12.3.6 Cabin Heat Damper Control
- 12.99 Induction Air
- 12.2.2 Fuel Line
- 12.3.6 Nose Mounted Oil Cooler
- 12.99 Engine Woes
- Engine Dehydrator
- Fouled injectors
- 12.99 – Oil temperature and heat challenges
- 12.99 Cabin Heat
- Electronic Ignition
- 12.99 Engine induction air
Malcolm sand blasted, painted and installed the new intake tubes for the #5 and 6 cylinders.
The paint is not a perfect match, but it’s pretty close. If it bugs me too much, I may pull the front 4 tubes and paint them as well.