12.1.2 Oil Cooler mod

This entry is part 22 of 50 in the series 12 - Engine / Propeller

While I was working on the baffling, I heard from another builder who mentioned that he had a problem with his oil cooler hitting the engine mount. He said that when the engine is starting and stopping that it moves a bit and had removed some of the paint from the engine mount. He caught it before is wore a hole in the oil cooler.

He had just less than 1/2″ clearance.

I decided to check mine and here’s what I found.

Not good. 🙁

I checked with the factory and they modified the engine mount a while back (before mine was made) to provide more clearance. They couldn’t figure out why I don’t have the proper clearance. They told me I could send back the mount and they would modify it but that would require removing the engine. I don’t have an engine hoist and doing it solo wouldn’t be fun. Plus, I didn’t know what other changes that modification would create.

So I came up with plan B. I removed the oil cooler and sent it to Pacific Oil Cooler Services. Here’s the result:


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