- 13.4.3 Pitot Tube Installation
- 13.4.2 Static Port
- 13.2.1 Instrument Panel Mounting
- 13.3.2 Ground Power Plug
- 13.0 Electrical System Documentation
- 13.0 Wire Labels
- 13.2.2 / 13.6.2 Aft wiring complete
- 13.8.1 Magnetometer connections
- 13.9.2 Autopilot Roll Servo Wire Routing Modification
- 13.7.1 Avionics Shelf
- 13.8.1 Magnetometer Mounting Bracket – Completed
- 13.8.1 Magentometer Bracket
- 13.1.6 Transponder Antenna Ground Plane
- 13.5.1 Navigation/Strobe Wing Root Connectors
- 13.0 Electrons are flowing
- 13.9.2 Autopilot Roll Servo Mounting
- 13.3.4 Overhead Switch Panel Wiring
- 13.2.2 Engine Wiring
- 13.6.2 Primary Alternator Connection
- 13.7.1 Avionics Shelf
- 13.8.1 OAT probe
- 13.2.2 EIS wiring
- 13.2 EFIS and Instrument Panel Layout
- 13.6 Ground Block – Part II
- 13.7.4 Headset jacks
- 13.3.4 Overhead Switch Panel
- 13.6 Ground blocks
- 13.8.2 Annunicator Panel
- 13.8.2 Annunicator Panel
- 13.8.2 Annunicator Panel
- 13.6 Electrical supply lines
- 13.6.3 Ground Power Receptacle
- 13.2 Instrument Panel Layout
- 13.3.5 Avionics Wiring
- 13.9.2 Auto Pilot Pitch Servo Mounting
- 13.7 Avionics and Wiring
- 13.7 Wiring
- 13.2 Panel painting
- 13.2 Panel installation
- 12.3.5 Minor setback on Avionics wiring
- 13.8.2 Annunciator Panel Problem
- 13.1.9 ELT Installation
- 13.6 Power Supply
- 13.7.4 It’s always something…
- 13.0 Wire routing
- 13.1.8 GPS Antenna Shelf
- 13.7.4 Audio Panel Relocation
- 13.0 Wire Routing (Remediation)
- 13.6.1 Battery Hold-Down
- 13.2.1 Instrument Panel – Final Install
- 13.3.3 / 13.5.3 Trim & Landing Light Test
- 13.8.1 EFIS alternate power
- 13.5.2 Cabin Lighting
- 13.1.4 Glideslope Antenna
- 13.3.4 Overhead Switch Panel
- 13.99 Instrument Panel overlays
- 13.99 Installing Engraved parts
- 13.99 Instrument Panel Lighting
- 13.4 Pitot/Static Remediation
- Static Port Conundrum
- GPS Replacement
- Secondary EFIS Power
- 13.99 Electrical System Diagram
- 13.99 – Current Sensor Repair
- 13.99 – ADS-B in antenna
- 13.99 – Switch panel update
- 13.4 – More Static Port Fun
I had already mounted the EIS (Engine Information System) and the MAP (Manifold Air Pressure) Sensor. Now it’s time to start pulling wires.
I picked up some expandable braided sleeve (AKA Chinese handcuffs) from McMaster. I split out the wires that would be going to the front of the cabin, rear of the cabin and engine compartment and fed the wires through.
Connected the two DB-25 connectors to the EIS module and routed the cables into the right wiring duct. The wires going to the front of the cabin aren’t long enough so I’ll have to splice some longer wires on before running forward in the duct.
The majority of the wires go to the engine compartment. Here’s the firewall side of the right wiring duct. I used some yellow heat shrink tubing to provide additional protection for the wires. The red, yellow and white wires are for CHT and EGT probes. The rest are for various sensors and I put those in another sleeve which runs up to the terminal strip.
I’ll have to wait before I can terminate the wires for the other sensors. I didn’t have the right size heat shrink tubing for my label maker.
Here’s the EGT and CHT connections.